Capitol Broadcasting embarks on its expansion of American Tobacco

“Capitol Broadcasting Co. embarked on the first steps of its plans for the expansion of the American Tobacco Campus in downtown Durham on Wednesday, holding its first public conversations about the possibilities for the adjacent University Ford property.

CBC held several meetings on Wednesday, with more scheduled for Thursday, with residents and officials in Durham to hear feedback about any potential development of the University Ford site – the American Tobacco-adjacent property that the company purchased for nearly $30 million last year.

Read more in the Durham Herald Sun.


Durham is the place to Meet! Emerging destinations for event planners to explore

This year’s selection of 11 emerging U.S. cities consists of premium destinations for hosting business meetings, corporate events and association gatherings. From Northern California to the Colorado Rockies, from the Midwest to New England, and from the Southeast to the Lone Star state, today’s professional event planners have a variety of choices.

Each city is becoming more popular as a destination for business travelers. All have expanding downtown convention centers and hotels that offer plenty of meeting space for large-scale events and intimate strategy sessions.

Read more in Smart Meetings.


Thoughts on American Tobacco Campus

“This North Carolina girl really loves living close to downtown Durham!  Durham is rich in history, including tobacco history.  One of my favorite places is the American Tobacco Campus.  Even the Duke family who did so much to establish Duke University had a hand in the booming tobacco industry.  That’s such a paradox now!  Tobacco is out of style for most folks these days, for good reason, but the huge brick buildings, trimmed inside with rustic old beams (what a cool industrial look!) are a sight to behold now that they are being restored and turned into hip new places.  I love the tobacco industry’s old landmarks.”

Read more in A Mothers Journal.